Emacs Chat: Oh no, my chat with Bodil Stokke didn't get recorded!

| emacs

Camtasia said it was recording the whole thing, and then when I went to edit it, I found that I only had the first 9 minutes. Extracting the .camrec didn't get me any additional data. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! That's what I get for doing an interview without two recording systems. Normally I use Google Hangout On Air's built-in recording and Camtasia Studio as a backup, but since I was using appear.in, I only had Camtasia Studio running.

And it was a cool demo/discussion of Flycheck with Haskell (including better ways to do things), Tern, js2-mode, smartparens, tagedit, the XWidgets branch and running Reveal.js presentations inside Emacs, styling tips (Powerline, Nyancat, font-locking), the Emacs Lisp Reference…

We might be able to reschedule after I crawl out from under a rock and also hammer a solid backup screen recording strategy in place, although Bodil mentioned she's open to using Google Hangout on Air even though it uses some proprietary plugins.

In the meantime:



Argh. Bodil, I'm so sorry!

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