Categorical imperatives versus genetic algorithms

Posted: - Modified: | philosophy

I was thinking about why I like thinking in terms of experiments, and how that's related to how I generally don't have strong disagreements with people.

I think most people I spend time with have a “live and let live” sort of policy similar to mine. We explore different life paths and have different opinions, but that's okay. It results in more information and more insight.

Sometimes I come across people who express their opinions more strongly. Reading Reddit posts about people dealing with strong and probably well-meaning advice reminds me that there are people out there who are firmly convinced they know what's good for you. I know I sometimes slip into that kind of advice-giving mode myself, especially around things that give me heebie-jeebies.

2014-09-12 Categorical imperatives versus genetic algorithms

2014-09-12 Categorical imperatives versus genetic algorithms

I like the idea that most of us are figuring things out in good faith. I haven't thought through the limits of this idea yet (one's choices might limit someone else's, for example), but there might be something there worth exploring.

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