2015-01-09 Emacs Hangout

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WELL. That was odd. Somehow the Google universe bifurcated and I spent the first forty minutes awkwardly talking to myself (braindumping Emacs tips) while the rest of the people in the Emacs hangout (1) wondered about my non-existence, and (2) got on with a great conversation about Emacs. I even did the “Hey, can folks hear me?” sort of thing and since some people were in the text chat and confirmed there were technical issues, I assumed that (a) we were talking about the same technical issues, and (b) many of them were inaudible because of said technical issues (or because they were at work, or whatever). The test audio played fine on my end, and the microphone sound levels looked fine too. I could see the group chat and everything. When it finally occurred to me to refresh my screen (which I had hesitated to do because that might end the session for everyone), I finally joined.

BIG THANK YOU to all the Emacs geeks who shrugged at my absence and carried on chatting. =)

Anyway. Fortunately, the recording is actually from their side of the parallel universe, and my interminable, horribly embarrassing blathering is lost forever. (I hope.) I mistakenly clipped it before, but it should be back to normal now.

Here it is.


Let’s get Emacs Hangouts sorted out for February and March. I think I can avoid technical debacles like this if I schedule something where I know at least one other person will turn up a little early and help me with a tech check. If you volunteer, we can pick a time that matches you. (Yay!) Leave a comment or e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com . =)

Also, since mailing lists can be useful, here’s one for Emacs Hangout announcements. You’ll get an e-mail to the Google+ Event when we figure out date/time, and another reminder the day before the event. Sign up at http://eepurl.com/bbi-Ir

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