Cultivating coping mechanisms

Posted: - Modified: | happy, reflection

2015-04-20b Cultivating coping mechanisms -- index card #self-care #coping

2015-04-20b Cultivating coping mechanisms – index card #self-care #coping

I'm not sure if other people do this, but I figured I'd write about how I deliberately cultivate certain coping or self-soothing behaviour, in case it resonates with anyone.

Whenever I come across a mildly stressful situation, I use that as an opportunity to practice and reinforce ways to deal with it. For example, I like getting hugs, so I've learned to create that feeling for myself and I've learned to ask people for hugs when I need it. I associate hot chocolate with comfort and self-care instead of having it as a regular luxury, so it's there as a treat when I really need it. I tell myself that it's impossible for me to stay sad when I'm eating ice cream, and that becomes the case. I practise elucidating what I'm feeling, accept it, and experiment with ways to improve the situation. I give myself permission to stop trying to do things that require a lot of thinking and energy, and to instead focus on cooking and other easy ways to create value for myself and others. I figure out good walks and relaxing forms of exercise. I guiltlessly spend time cuddling the cats.

Sometimes I'll focus on remembering what it feels like to be comforted and happy and safe while, say, mind-mapping thorny feelings, and eventually it becomes easier and easier to do so.

When more stressful situations come, I have some idea of what works for me, and I have positive associations around those techniques. I wonder if it's a little like clicker-training yourself… =) Anyway, I've been finding it easier and easier to deal with life's little curveballs. I don't know the magnitude at which things will start to overwhelm me again, but it's nice to know that I can handle more and more. In the meantime, even obstacles can be fuel for greater happiness and equanimity. =)

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