What Stoicism means to me
Posted: - Modified: | stoicism, philosophy2015-04-20d What does Stoicism mean to me – index card #stoicism
I get my understanding of Stoicism from people like Epictetus, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, the people who translated their books, and more recent authors like William Irvine. The philosophy was pretty similar to how I saw the world growing up, and reading about the ancient Stoics (and similar schools of thought) helped me flesh out those thoughts further because I could take advantage of other people's insights.
I really appreciated having inspiring role models, time-tested tools, and a wider vocabulary for recognizing and working with my thoughts. I liked the validation of equanimity as a goal in itself (not just pleasure or happiness). I found negative visualization and other Stoic practices to be really good at helping you develop appreciation and deepen your joy. I liked the sharp delineation between things you can control and things you can't, and the radical freedom and responsibility this helps you realize.
More about equanimity:
2015-04-03d Equanimity – index card #philosophy #equanimity
On a related note, this might explain a little bit about the wonder that fills my universe:
2015-04-20c The glass is amazing – index card #philosophy #perspective
Anyway, so that's how that works for me!