2015-05-13 Emacs Hangout
Posted: - Modified: | emacsConsole Emacs vs GUI Emacs, keybindings, Org Mode, cooking, nyan, window management, calendars, SuperCollider Usual disclaimer: times are approximate, and the note-taker often gets distracted. =)
- 0:00:00 Emacs configuration
- 0:11:22 Console Emacs vs GUI Emacs? iTerm integration, mouse support, 256 colours, drop-down menus (although you can get a text one), …
- 0:14:59 multihop TRAMP
- 0:16:01 keybinding philosophies, Hyper and Super
- 0:22:15 Remapping keys on Mac OS X (dealing with separate Alt and Meta)
- 0:28:04 Org and mobile
- 0:30:25 emulating hyper and super keys
- 0:32:15 orgzly
- 0:33:33 Org Mode and cooking, org-map-entries
- 0:39:31 nyan
- 0:43:04 One window, workgroups
- 0:46:56 winner-mode
- 0:53:30 rinari, zeus, ruby
- 0:54:53 neotree
- 0:58:22 keyboards
- 1:03:24 conference
- 1:09:22 calw; also, something about rainbow-mode, and palette, and then later Org Mode
- 1:23:13 SuperCollider, Overtone, yasnippet
- 1:45:13 blackink?
Text chat: Here’s the gif I have as my nyan http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/donkeykong/images/9/91/Cranky_walk.gif/revision/latest?cb=20100930155227
Sahil Sinha | 9:23 PM | http://emacswiki.org/emacs/MetaKeyProblems |
Jack G. | 9:24 PM | (setq mac-right-command-modifier ‘hyper)<br>(setq mac-right-option-modifier ‘super) http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_hyper_super_keys.html (global-set-key (kbd “H-h”) ‘er/expand-region |
George Jones | 9:32 PM | https://github.com/heikkil/org-dropbox |
Jack G. | 9:36 PM | nyan Cranky_walk.gif |
Jack G. | 9:42 PM | |
me | 9:42 PM | http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/OneWindow ? |
Daniel H | 9:46 PM | https://github.com/tlh/workgroups.el |
me | 9:48 PM | http://askubuntu.com/questions/4820/keeping-emacs-from-splitting-the-window-when-openning-multiple-files winner-mode |
George Jones | 9:59 PM | http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_best_keyboard.html |
George Jones | 9:59 PM | Xah Lee writes a LOT about keyboards |
Jack G. | 10:02 PM | http://www.razerzone.com/ca-en/store/razer-anansi |
Bogdan Popa | 10:10 PM | https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-calfw#for-ical-google-calendar-users |
me | 10:11 PM | org-gcal |
Daniel H | 10:12 PM | https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-calfw |
George Jones | 10:12 PM | having real trouble hearing… |
George Jones | 10:20 PM | when you open a PDF in docview you can get the text with ^C^T (default bindings) |
Jack G. | 10:21 PM | Thanks George! |
George Jones | 10:21 PM | C-c C-t runs the command doc-view-open-text |
me | 10:27 PM | http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.html |
sai tejaa Cluri | 10:27 PM | hi |
Jack G. | 10:37 PM | link |
me | 10:37 PM | This was a fun demo of Org Mode and SuperCollider http://pages.sachachua.com/emacs-chats/chat-iannis-zannos.html |
Levi Strope | 10:40 PM | Jack your audio is crystal clear now… whatever that change was |
Jack G. | 10:45 PM | http://blackink.bleank.com/ |
me | 10:48 PM | http://emacslife.com/baby-steps-org.html |
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