2015-10-14 Emacs Hangout

| emacs

Another Emacs Hangout, hooray! Thanks to everyone who participated. Enjoy watching, and I hope to see you at the next one!

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Partial list of fuzzy timestamps:

  • 0:04 using org babel for a git dashboard link
  • 0:14 org tables and timestamps – whoops, focused on the wrong video, but here’s the blog post: link
  • 0:22 projectile and tags
  • 0:32 jabber and org contacts
  • 0:37 org-download
  • 0:41 Kindle highlights
  • 0:42 archiving
  • 0:45 visible-mode
  • 0:48 company-mode
  • 0:50 elfeed, pinboard
  • 0:58 building from source

Text chat:

Eric Hanchrow 8:56 PM I’m so much more comfortable with text than video … if other people join, will I see their icons?
me 8:56 PM Yup. Text chat is totally cool, it gets saved and posted too. and I can read things into the audio for people just listening to the stream (Livestream viewers won’t see the text chat during the hangout – only people in the actual Hangout will see it, so that’s why I repeat cool stuff. )
Eric Hanchrow 8:57 PM uh … so “livestream” is something different from Hangout? :-\ livestream must be “read only”
me 8:58 PM Yup, livestream (Youtube, etc.) is read only
Eric Hanchrow 8:58 PM ah dinnertime already!
Puneeth Chaganti 9:09 PM Hi everyone.
me 9:10 PM Hi Puneeth!
Kiran Gangadharan 9:37 PM https://github.com/abo-abo/org-download
Puneeth Chaganti 9:41 PM https://github.com/punchagan/clip2org I have to head off folks! I’ll catch up with video later. Have a good day/night!
me 9:57 PM See you!
Dave Marquardt 10:13 PM Sacha, what was the name of that mode that scatters tasks? I think I saw something like that in orgbox…. Now I see it in the Org info. Thanks! Thanks for setting it up!
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