2015-11-18 Emacs Hangout

| emacs

Coding, e-mail, LaTeX, and more. Enjoy!

Event page: https://plus.google.com/events/cpef1jv0oq673aneiigh7q5n7lk


  • 0:02 Podcasts
  • 0:03 sweetgreen – ordering salad
  • 0:14 Windows
  • 0:16 exwm – emacs window manager
  • 0:18 Android development
  • 0:21 Org Mode
  • 0:25 mail, search, notmuch, mairix, filtering, Gmail tabs
  • 0:37 TRAMP, rsync, firestarter, mosh
  • 0:43 stumpwm, conkeror
  • 0:47 concurrency, guile
  • 0:51 dash
  • 0:52 packages
  • 0:53 edit with Emacs (Chrome extension), Cocoa text system on Mac OS X
  • 0:57 railwaycat, spaceline (modeline from spacemacs)
  • 1:04 preview latex, knitr, sweave, Org tables in LaTeX
  • 1:09 spacemacs, vim
  • 1:16 multiple cursors, keyboard macros
  • 1:18 eshell, shells
  • 1:19 volatile-highlights, undo tree
  • 1:21 beacon-mode
  • 1:24 helm-show-kill-ring
  • 1:25 experimenting with versions of code, git-timemachine, undo-tree timestamps and diffs

Text chat:

me 9:30 PM notmuch, mairix
Will Monroe 9:31 PM thanks!
Puneeth Chaganti 9:33 PM Hi everyone.
me 9:34 PM nnmail-split-methods
Puneeth Chaganti 9:36 PM I use imapfilter for my non-gmail account.
Diego Berrocal 9:36 PM what about the gmail one?
Will Monroe 9:36 PM these are excellent suggestions for a new gnus user Puneeth, thank you for org2blog!
Puneeth Chaganti 9:37 PM I don’t yet use gmail with mu4e. Just not sure how long downloading all my mail would take.
Diego Berrocal 9:38 PM https://mosh.mit.edu/#techinfo ^ better ssh
Will Monroe 9:39 PM Puneeth, I’ve used mu4e with offlineimap to download lots of gmail. It did take a lot of time for ~4GB to download.
Puneeth Chaganti 9:40 PM Yeah, I’m also subscribed to a lot of lists that are filterd out using email filters, but I’m afraid getting new mail also would be really slow. I have a better internet connection these days. May be I should try.
Diego Berrocal 9:41 PM doesn’t gnus freeze your emacs sometimes?
me 9:41 PM I’ve been using gmane.org for many mailing lists. The web interface has been a bit wonky, but the NNTP through Gnus seems okay.
Diego Berrocal 9:41 PM it did on me last time I used it (years ago) Link to Window Manager: https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm
Puneeth Chaganti 9:44 PM http://conkeror.org/
Will Monroe 9:46 PM Bye everyone! It was nice talking with you.
Daniel Gopar 9:48 PM Diego do you have an example of using firestarter with rsync? Do you have your init.el uploaded in Github or somwhere?
Diego Berrocal 9:49 PM unfortunately it’s not in my config anymore I’ll try to make a blog post
Daniel Gopar 9:50 PM sweet \o/ Let me know if you end up creating a post
Diego Berrocal 9:50 PM yeah \o/
Puneeth Chaganti 9:52 PM Yes, I found it useful too. Thanks for doing those posts, Sacha
me 9:53 PM
Diego Berrocal 9:53 PM not more scrolling through MELPA twitter now edit-with-emacs ^
Bryan Maass 9:54 PM edit-with-emacs
Howard Melman 9:56 PM https://github.com/jrus/cocoa-text-system
Bryan Maass 9:56 PM https://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~jrus/site/cocoa-text.html
me 9:58 PM Reddit discussion of spaceline
me 9:59 PM http://emacsthemes.com/
Bryan Garza 10:03 PM https://github.com/kuanyui/moe-theme.el
me 10:07 PM (org) Tables in arbitrary syntax From Joseph: yihui.name/knitr
Bryan Garza 10:19 PM https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/complete-guide-mastering-eshell https://github.com/k-talo/volatile-highlights.el https://github.com/Malabarba/beacon
Diego Berrocal 10:25 PM git-timemachine
me 10:27 PM (setq undo-tree-visualizer-timestamps t)<br> (setq undo-tree-visualizer-diff t)
Daniel Gopar 10:28 PM Diego can you put a link to your site?
Diego Berrocal 10:30 PM cestdiego.github.io ^

For more information about Emacs Hangouts, see https://sachachua.com/blog/tag/emacs-hangout

You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.