2015-12-21 Emacs Hangout

Posted: - Modified: | emacs
Update 2015-12-25: Added link about multiple e-mail accounts in Gnus

Embarrassing technical issues, but fortunately, people are awesome and patient! =) Skip to about 0:07 or 0:12 or something if you want to get to the conversation part.

Text chat:

Also, codingquark’s link: http://codingquark.com/multiple-email-accounts-in-gnus/

Event page

Timestamps very fuzzy because of stress =)

  • Awkwardness by myself (turns out I had to change a setting to let other people join)
  • 0:07 Okay, other people joining, whew! warning: echo
  • 0:12 Gnus
  • 0:17 Meeting other Emacs geeks
  • 0:25 Mail splitting
  • 0:30 Asana to Org
  • 0:33 Literate programming
  • 0:36 Org Mode tables and Emacs Lisp functions
  • 0:45 edebug
  • 0:48 GnuPG
  • 0:52 macros
  • 1:00 smartparens / paredit
  • 1:06 flashcards
  • 1:18 narrow
  • 1:20 switching buffers

The audio is offset by about 7 minutes from the timestamps above, so you don’t have to listen to my panicking. =) MP3, OGG

See https://sachachua.com/blog/tag/emacs-hangout for more info, including where to find upcoming hangouts.

You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.