I'm learning to draw with crayons
| parentingWe have a huge box of assorted crayons left over from J-‘s childhood, so I decided to make it one of my life goals to finish the box. Besides, I think A- will develop a stronger appreciation of how fun making art is if she sees me learning how to enjoy it myself. Today she woke up pretending that we were fish, so I drew a fish.

A- wanted to draw one too, so I put my drawing under hers and she traced over it.

I also made this drawing of a cloud a few weeks back. I liked the way adding grey made the cloud feel more cloudy.

I've even been able to use crayons to doodle a sketchnote exploring some of my thoughts. After I scanned it, I used Krita to rearrange and ink it. I'm waiting for the Free Software Foundation's go-ahead to post it on my blog when they put it up on their site (next month, probably?), so you can't see it yet. I like the prospect of moving some more thinking/drawing time into doodling time with A-.
Who knows, I might actually expand my visual vocabulary and learn how to draw non-stick-figure stuff. Yay childhood!