Highlight the active modeline using colours from modus-themes
| emacs
I wanted to experiment with for colouring the mode line of the active window ever so slightly different to make it easier to see where the active window is. I usually have global-hl-line-mode
turned on, so that highlight is another indicator, but let's see how this tweak feels. I modified the code so that it uses the theme colours from the currently-selected Modus themes, since I trust Prot's colour choices more than I trust mine. Thanks to Irreal for sharing Ignacio's comment!
(defun my-update-active-mode-line-colors () (set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil :foreground (modus-themes-get-color-value 'fg-mode-line-active) :background (modus-themes-get-color-value 'bg-blue-subtle) :box '(:line-width 1 :color (modus-themes-get-color-value 'border-mode-line-active)))) (use-package modus-themes :hook (modus-themes-after-load-theme . my-update-active-mode-line-colors))
This is part of my Emacs configuration.
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