org-attaching the latest image from my Supernote via Browse and Access

Posted: - Modified: | emacs, supernote, org

[2024-09-29 Sun]: Use sketch links when possible. Recolor before cropping so that the grid is removed.

2024-09-26-01 Supernote A5X Browse and Access %23supernote.png
Figure 1: Diagram of different ways to get drawings off my Supernote A5X
Text from sketch

Supernote A5X

  • Screen mirroring (pixelated) -> Puppeteer screenshot (or maybe .mjpeg?)
  • Browse & Access (HTTP) -> latest file: recognize text, recolor, crop, upload?
  • Dropbox/Google Drive (slow) -> batch process: recognize text, recolor, upload

Bonus: Autocropping encourages me to just get stuff out there even if I haven't filled a page

ideas: remove template automatically? I wonder if I can use another color…


I want to quickly get drawings from my Supernote A5X into Emacs so that I can include them in blog posts. Dropbox/Google Drive sync is slow because it synchronizes all the files. The Supernote can mirror its screen as an .mjpeg stream. I couldn't figure out how to grab a frame from that, but I did find out how to use Puppeteer to take an screenshot of the Supernote's screen mirror. Still, the resulting image is a little pixelated. If I turn on Browse and Access, the Supernote can serve directories and files as webpages. This lets me grab the latest file and process it. I don't often have time to fill a full A5 page with thoughts, so autocropping the image encourages me to get stuff out there instead of holding on to things.

(defvar my-supernote-ip-address "")
(defun my-supernote-get-exported-files ()
  (let ((data (plz 'get (format "http://%s:8089/EXPORT" my-supernote-ip-address)))
    (when (string-match "const json = '\\(.*\\)'" data)
       (alist-get 'fileList (json-parse-string (match-string 1 data) :object-type 'alist :array-type 'list))
       :key (lambda (o) (alist-get 'date o))
       :lessp 'string<
       :reverse t))))

(defun my-supernote-org-attach-latest-exported-file ()
  ;; save the file to the screenshot directory
  (let ((info (car (my-supernote-get-exported-files)))
    ;; delete matching files
    (setq new-file (expand-file-name
                    (replace-regexp-in-string " " "%20" (alist-get 'name info) (org-attach-dir))))
    (when (file-exists-p new-file)
      (delete-file new-file))
     (format "http://%s:8089%s" my-supernote-ip-address
             (alist-get 'uri info))
    (setq new-file (my-latest-file (org-attach-dir)))
    ;; recolor
    (my-sketch-recolor-png new-file)
    ;; autocrop that image
    (my-image-autocrop new-file)
    ;; possibly rename
    (setq renamed (my-image-recognize-get-new-filename new-file))
    (when renamed
      (setq renamed (expand-file-name renamed (org-attach-dir)))
      (rename-file new-file renamed t)
      (my-image-store renamed) ; file it in my archive
      (setq new-file renamed))
    ;; use a sketch link if it has an ID
    (if (string-match "^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] "
                      (file-name-base renamed))
        (org-insert-link nil (concat "sketchFull:" (file-name-base renamed)))
      ;; insert the link
      (org-insert-link nil (concat "attachment:" (replace-regexp-in-string "#" "%23" (file-name-nondirectory new-file)))))
This is part of my Emacs configuration.
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