Emacs: Extract part of an image to another file

| emacs

It turns out that image-mode allows you to open an image and then crop it with i c (image-crop), all within Emacs. I want to select a region and then write it to a different file. I think the ability to select a portion of an image by drawing/moving a rectangle is generally useful, so let's start by defining a function for that. The heavy lifting is done by image-crop--crop-image-1, which tracks the mouse and listens for events.

;; Based on image-crop.
(defun my-image-select-rect (op)
  "Select a region of the current buffer's image.

`q':   Exit without changing anything.
`RET': Select this region.
`m':   Make mouse movements move the rectangle instead of altering the
       rectangle shape.
`s':   Same as `m', but make the rectangle into a square first."
  (unless (image-type-available-p 'svg)
    (error "SVG support is needed to crop and cut images"))
  (let ((image (image--get-image)))
    (unless (imagep image)
      (user-error "No image under point"))
    (when (overlays-at (point))
      (user-error "Can't edit images that have overlays"))
    ;; We replace the image under point with an SVG image that looks
    ;; just like that image.  That allows us to draw lines over it.
    ;; At the end, we replace that SVG with a cropped version of the
    ;; original image.
    (let* ((data (cl-getf (cdr image) :data))
           (type (cond
                  ((cl-getf (cdr image) :format)
                   (format "%s" (cl-getf (cdr image) :format)))
                   (image-crop--content-type data))))
           (image-scaling-factor 1)
           (orig-point (point))
           (size (image-size image t))
           (svg (svg-create (car size) (cdr size)
                            :xmlns:xlink "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
                            :stroke-width 5))
           ;; We want to get the original text that's covered by the
           ;; image so that we can restore it.
              (let ((match (text-property-search-backward 'display image)))
                (if match
                    (prop-match-end match)
              (let ((match (text-property-search-forward 'display image)))
                (if match
                    (prop-match-beginning match)
           (text (buffer-substring image-start image-end))
           (inhibit-read-only t)
           orig-data svg-end)
        (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
        (if (null data)
            (insert-file-contents-literally (cl-getf (cdr image) :file))
          (insert data))
        (let ((image-crop-exif-rotate nil))
          (image-crop--possibly-rotate-buffer image))
        (setq orig-data (buffer-string))
        (setq type (image-crop--content-type orig-data))
        (image-crop--process image-crop-resize-command
                             `((?w . 600)
                               (?f . ,(cadr (split-string type "/")))))
        (setq data (buffer-string)))
      (svg-embed svg data type t
                 :width (car size)
                 :height (cdr size))
        (svg-insert-image svg)
        (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
        (setq svg-end (point))
        ;; Area
        (let ((area
               (condition-case _
                     (forward-line 1)
                      svg op))
                 (quit nil))))
          (when area
            ;;  scale to original
            (let* ((image-scaling-factor 1)
                   (osize (image-size (create-image orig-data nil t) t))
                   (factor (/ (float (car osize)) (car size)))
                   ;; width x height + left + top
                   (width (abs (truncate (* factor (- (cl-getf area :right)
                                                      (cl-getf area :left))))))
                   (height (abs (truncate (* factor (- (cl-getf area :bottom)
                                                       (cl-getf area :top))))))
                   (left (truncate (* factor (min (cl-getf area :left)
                                                  (cl-getf area :right)))))
                   (top (truncate (* factor (min (cl-getf area :top)
                                                 (cl-getf area :bottom))))))
              (list :left left :top top
                    :width width :height height
                    :right (+ left width)
                    :bottom (+ top height)))))))))

Then we can use it to select part of an image, and then use ImageMagick to extract that part of the image:

(defun my-image-write-region ()
  "Copy a section of the image under point to a different file.
This command presents the image with a rectangular area superimposed
on it, and allows moving and resizing the area to define which
part of it to crop.

While moving/resizing the cropping area, the following key bindings
are available:

`q':   Exit without changing anything.
`RET': Save the image.
`m':   Make mouse movements move the rectangle instead of altering the
       rectangle shape.
`s':   Same as `m', but make the rectangle into a square first."
  (when-let* ((orig-data (buffer-string))
              (area (my-image-select-rect "write"))
              (inhibit-read-only t)
              (type (image-crop--content-type orig-data))
              (left (plist-get area :left))
              (top (plist-get area :top))
              (width (plist-get area :width))
              (height (plist-get area :height)))
    (with-temp-file (read-file-name "File: ")
      (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
      (insert orig-data)
      (image-crop--process image-crop-crop-command
                           `((?l . ,left)
                             (?t . ,top)
                             (?w . ,width)
                             (?h . ,height)
                             (?f . ,(cadr (split-string type "/"))))))))

i w seems like a sensible shortcut for writing a region of an image.

(with-eval-after-load 'image
  (keymap-set image-mode-map "i w" #'my-image-write-region))
This is part of my Emacs configuration.
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