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[2024-12-28 Sat]: I got emacstv-queue-random to fill the playlist with shuffled URLs, so it's all good now! =)

I came across Ruby Video on Hacker News and thought it was a good idea, particularly the topic view. I mentioned it in a toot and that seemed to strike a chord in the #emacs community there, so I exported some of the metadata for EmacsConf videos into an Org Mode file. @xenodium whipped up a quick web prototype at emacs.tv. I added a bunch of videos from Emacs News and wrote some code for playing the videos from Emacs, and then grabbed more videos from YouTube playlists and Vimeo search results. (Gotta find a good way to monitor PeerTube…) As of this writing, there are 2785 videos with a combined playtime of more than 1000 hours.

I am, in fact, listening to emacstv-background-mode as I write this. I was listening to it earlier while I played Minecraft with the kiddo. I'll probably shift some of my doomscrolling to shuffling through the emacs.tv web interface on my phone. I love hearing people's enthusiasm, and I occasionally pick up interesting tips along the way. (Gotta steal prot/window-single-toggle…)

It's easy to use little crumbs of time to add more tags to the videos.org file. Sometimes I use org-agenda with buffer restriction (<) and search (s) to mark/unmark (m, u) so that I can bulk-tag (B +). To make this even more convenient, I've added emacstv-agenda-search, emacstv-org-ql-search, and emacstv-org-ql-search-untagged so that I can do that bulk tagging from anywhere.

It would be nice to have mpv reuse the window. I wonder if I can queue up a number of videos instead of doing it one at a time, and if that would do the trick…

Anyway, the web interface is at https://emacs.tv and the Elisp code and data are at https://github.com/emacstv/emacstv.github.io . Enjoy!

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