
| emacs

For the longest time, was generated with the Planet Venus aggregator, which required Python 2.7. My recent blog post about Yay Emacs 8: which-key-replacement-alist had some emojis that the parser couldn't handle, though (unichr() arg not in range(0x10000) (narrow Python build)). I decided to rewrite the aggregator using NodeJS.

Here are some differences between the current implementation and the previous ones:

  • The website shows the last two weeks of posts, since I can filter by date. It should also ignore future-dated posts.
  • The list of feeds on the right side is now sorted by last post date, so it's easier to see active blogs.
  • I can now filter a general feed by a regular expression.
  • I've removed a number of unreachable blogs.
  • The feed list is loaded from a JSON instead of an INI.

The Atom feed and the OPML file should validate, but let me know at if there are any hiccups (or if you have an Atom/RSS feed we can add to the aggregator =) ).

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