Minecraft tree orbs, tree farm upgrade

| minecraft

A+ was inspired by the SapWing villages from Wings of Fire to make a couple of orb houses up in the trees.

Figure 1: A+'s latest creation: tree orbs

I think she used copycat blocks and vertical slabs from the modpack in order to get it to look so round. "I'm excellent at creating things that are not supposed to exist in Minecraft, in Minecraft," she says. The rope ladder is from me, as I needed a non-creative-mode way to get up there.

Figure 2: A bridge connects the two tree orbs. A+ is a big fan of safety railings.
Figure 3: My orb has a hammock, a furnace, and a crafting table
Figure 4: She also decided to upgrade my tree farm with rich soil, a portable storage interface, and an item sorter.

The smart chute is set to drop only full stacks (64 items) so that the extra saplings will stay in the chest and feed the deployer. The brass funnels have the different items in their filter slots. She has them feeding into netherite backpacks.

Figure 5: As for me, I made a simple library with an enchanting table.

I've got a couple of librarians. I'll probably set up some more eventually, maybe in a large wing focused on trading. I've also been upgrading the wheat farm with organic compost that's broken down into rich soil. I started some flax plants for string.

Just toodling along…

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