Tweaking my 11ty blog to link to the Mastodon post defined in an Org Mode property

| 11ty, mastodon, org

One of the things I like about blogging from Org Mode in Emacs is that it's easy to add properties to the section that I'm working on and then use those property values elsewhere. For example, I've modified Emacs to simplify tooting a link to my blog post and saving the Mastodon status URL in the EXPORT_MASTODON property. Then I can use that in my 11ty static site generation process to include a link to the Mastodon thread as a comment option.

First, I need to export the property and include it in the front matter. I use .11tydata.json files to store the details for each blog post. I modified ox-11ty.el so that I could specify functions to change the front matter (org-11ty-front-matter-functions, org-11ty--front-matter):

(defvar org-11ty-front-matter-functions nil
  "Functions to call with the current front matter plist and info.")
(defun org-11ty--front-matter (info)
  "Return front matter for INFO."
  (let* ((date (plist-get info :date))
         (title (plist-get info :title))
         (modified (plist-get info :modified))
         (permalink (plist-get info :permalink))
         (categories (plist-get info :categories))
         (collections (plist-get info :collections))
         (extra (if (plist-get info :extra) (json-parse-string
                                             (plist-get info :extra)
                                             :object-type 'plist))))
     (lambda (prev val)
       (funcall val prev info))
      (list :permalink permalink
            :date (if (listp date) (car date) date)
            :modified (if (listp modified) (car modified) modified)
            :title (if (listp title) (car title) title)
            :categories (if (stringp categories) (split-string categories) categories)
            :tags (if (stringp collections) (split-string collections) collections))))))

Then I added the EXPORT_MASTODON Org property as part of the front matter. This took a little figuring out because I needed to pass it as one of org-export-backend-options, where the parameter is defined as MASTODON but the actual property needs to be called EXPORT_MASTODON.

(defun my-org-11ty-add-mastodon-to-front-matter (front-matter info)
  (plist-put front-matter :mastodon (plist-get info :mastodon)))
(with-eval-after-load 'ox-11ty
   '(:mastodon "MASTODON" nil nil)
   (org-export-backend-options (org-export-get-backend '11ty)))
  (add-hook 'org-11ty-front-matter-functions #'my-org-11ty-add-mastodon-to-front-matter))

Then I added the Mastodon field as an option to my comments.cjs shortcode. This was a little tricky because I'm not sure I'm passing the data correctly to the shortcode (sometimes it ends up as, sometimes it's, …?), but with ?., I can just throw all the possibilities in there and it'll eventually find the right one.

const pluginRss = require('@11ty/eleventy-plugin-rss');
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  function getCommentChoices(data, ref) {
    const mastodonUrl = data.mastodon || ||;
    const mastodon = mastodonUrl && `<a href="${mastodonUrl}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">comment on Mastodon</a>`;
    const url = ref.absoluteUrl(data.url || data.permalink || ||, data.metadata?.url ||;
    const subject = encodeURIComponent('Comment on ' + url);
    const body = encodeURIComponent("Name you want to be credited by (if any): \nMessage: \nCan I share your comment so other people can learn from it? Yes/No\n");
    const email = `<a href="${subject}&body=${body}">e-mail me at</a>`;
    const disqusLink = url + '#comment';
    const disqusForm = data.metadata?.disqusShortname && `<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
 var disqus_config = function () { = "${url}"; = "${ || ''} ${data.metadata?.url || ''}?p=${ || data.permalink ||}"; = "${ data.title }" = "${ || data.permalink || }"
 (function() { // DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE
   var d = document, s = d.createElement('script');
   s.src = 'https://${ data.metadata?.disqusShortname }';
   s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date());
   (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
<noscript>Disqus requires Javascript, but you can still e-mail me if you want!</noscript>`;
    return { mastodon, disqusLink, disqusForm, email };
  eleventyConfig.addShortcode('comments', function(data, linksOnly=false) {
    const { mastodon, disqusForm, disqusLink, email } = getCommentChoices(data, this);
    if (linksOnly) {
      return `You can ${mastodon ? mastodon + ', ' : ''}<a href="${disqusLink}">comment with Disqus (JS required)</a>${mastodon ? ',' : ''} or ${email}.`;
    } else {
      return `<div id="comment"></div>
You can ${mastodon ? mastodon + ', ' : ''}comment with Disqus (JS required)${mastodon ? ', ' : ''} or you can ${email}.
${disqusForm || ''}`;}

I included it in my post.cjs shortcode:

module.exports = eleventyConfig =>
eleventyConfig.addShortcode('post', async function(item, index, includeComments) {
  let comments = '<div class="comments">' + (includeComments ? this.comments(item) : this.comments(item, true)) + '</div>';
  let categoryList = item.categories || &&;
  let categoriesFooter = '', categories = '';
  if (categoryList && categoryList.length > 0) {
    categoriesFooter = `<div class="footer-categories">More posts about ${this.categoryList(categoryList)}</div>`;
    categories = `| <span class="categories">${this.categoryList(categoryList)}</span>`;

  return  `<article class="post" id="index${index}" data-url="${item.url || item.permalink || ''}">
<header><h2 data-pagefind-meta="title"><a href="${item.url || item.permalink || ''}">${item.title || &&}</a></h2>
<div class="entry">
${await (item.templateContent || item.layoutContent || || item.content || item.inputContent)}

I also included it in my RSS item template to make it easier for people to send me comments without having to dig through my website for contact info.

const posthtml = require("posthtml");
const urls = require("posthtml-urls");

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
  eleventyConfig.addAsyncShortcode('rssItem', async function(item) {
    let content = item.templateContent.replace(/--/g, '&#45;&#45;');
    if (this.transformWithHtmlBase) {
      content = await this.transformWithHtmlBase(content);
    return `<item>
    ${ => `<category>${cat}</category>`).join("\n") || ''}
    <guid isPermaLink="false">${this.guid(item)}</guid>
<p>${this.comments(item, true)}</p>]]></description>

The new workflow I'm trying out seems to be working:

  1. Keep npx eleventy --serve running in the background, using .eleventyignore to make rebuilds reasonably fast.
  2. Export the subtree with C-c e s 1 1, which uses org-export-dispatch to call my-org-11ty-export with the subtree.
  3. After about 10 seconds, use my-org-11ty-copy-just-this-post and verify.
  4. Use my-mastodon-11ty-toot-post to compose a toot. Edit the toot and post it.
  5. Check that the EXPORT_MASTODON property has been set.
  6. Export the subtree again, this time with the front matter.
  7. Publish my whole blog.

Next, I'm thinking of modifying my-mastodon-11ty-toot-post so that it includes a list of links to blog posts I might be building on or responding to, and possibly the handles of people related to those blog posts or topics. Hmm…

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