Discovering yourself through blogging

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This is a placeholder for the 15-part transcript of my 1-hour chat with Holly Tse on discovering yourself through blogging. Entries will be posted and linked here every Thursday!

  1. Sept 1: Blogging and introverts
  2. Sept 8: Growing into blogging
  3. Sept 15: Blogging and other social tools
  4. Sept 22: Parenting
  5. Sept 29: Getting started
  6. Oct 6: Looking back
  7. Oct 13: Learning how to write
  8. Oct 20: Slow life down and speed it up
  9. Oct 27: Learning from others
  10. Nov 3: Difficult situations
  11. Nov 10: Looking back at the year
  12. Nov 17: Two homes
  13. Nov 24: On frequency
  14. Dec 1: Writing for yourself and writing for others
  15. Dec 8: Tools to help you get started

Listen to the recording (58:15)
Download everything as a text file

If you like this, you might also like my blog series on how to get more value from blogging. Looking forward to learning from your experiences, too!

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