Update: Watch the videos / view the slides!
Sketchnotes from all the talks at Lean Startup Day 2012 (MaRSDD local content in Toronto + livestreamed talks from San Francisco!)
You can view or copy these notes from Dropbox or browse through the gallery below. Feel free to share this post or the images! Click on the images to view a larger version.
What Does It Mean to be Lean? (part 1) - a panel with Andy Yang, Janice Diner, Zak Homuth, and Satish Kanwar
What Does It Mean to be Lean? (part 2) - a panel with Chris Eben, Devon Galloway, Jared Gordon, and Mark Zimmerman
Lean Workshop
Startup Demos
Simulcast 01: Lean Government, Running Short Experiments During a Long Product Cycle
Simulcast 02: Ten Ways to Get Out of the Building, Innovation Accounting
Simulcast 03: Lean Startup at GE, Prototyping to Validate a Big Idea
Simulcast 04: Fast, Cheap, and In Control, I (Heart) Ugly
Simulcast 05: Secrets of Rapid Mobile App Development
Simulcast 06: On the Way to Lean Startup: Curvy and Working it Out, Failure is Great & Other Myths about Adopting Lean Startup
Simulcast 07: How Engineers Embrace Lean Startup
Simulcast 08: We Went to West Africa and Learned Our Key Assumptions Were Wrong, Moving Fast While Caring about Design at Hipmunk
Simulcast 09: Testing MVPs with Crowdfunding, Making Decisions by Ignoring Sales Metrics, Lean Content: Testing Marketing Copy
Simulcast 10: 10,000 Startups (Steve Blank)
Simulcast 11: Running a Lean Startup Sales Process, Bonfire of the Vanity Metrics
Simulcast 12: Innovation Accounting in Practice, Lean Marketing
Simulcast 13: How to Run a 5 Whys, The Challenge of Maintaining Disrupting Innovation When You Meet Success
Simulcast 14: Creating a Culture of Experimentation
Simulcast 15: One Year Later: Dropbox Answers Your Questions, Making the Call on a Platform Pivot
Simulcast 16: One Year Later: Lessons from Votizen, What I Learned: A Report From the Weekend Winner
Simulcast 17: A Conversation with Marc Andreessen
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