Things I wish they had told me

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Find one or more research mentors and one or more teaching mentors, and work closely with them for at least two years. I’m looking for a teaching mentor. I like Dr. Queena Lee-Chua’s style of teaching a lot. I’ve asked, but I’m not sure if anyone in our department has been awarded for teaching. I’ll check Metrobank and other foundations.

Find research collaborators who are strong in the areas in which you are weakest. If I focus on wearable computing, then I should probably find someone who’s good at hardware. If computer science education, then analysis and assessment…

Grade tough on homework, easier on time-bound tests. Ouch. My bad.

Get copies of McKeachie1 and Wankat and Oreovicz2. W.J. McKeachie, Teaching Tips: A Guidebook for the Beginning College Teacher, 8th Edn., Lexington, MA, D.C. Heath & Co., 1986. The second book’s for engineering.

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