Emacs Chat: Conversations about an awesome text editor
Posted: - Modified:The Emacs community has a lot of amazing people, although we rarely get to meet face to face. It’s great to get a sense of what people are like, so here are some casual chats with other Emacs geeks. =) I’m looking forward to being able to do these again when I can actually schedule things!
Want to subscribe to the podcast? Feed: http://sachachua.com/blog/tag/emacs-chat/podcast
- 2015-12-10 Emacs Chat: John Wiegley on maintaining Emacs and how you can help
- 2015-04-08 Emacs Lisp Development Tips with John Wiegley
- Emacs Chat with Steve Purcell
- Emacs Chat: Karl Voit
- Emacs Chat: Mickey Petersen
- Emacs Chat: Harry R. Schwartz
- Emacs Chat: Christopher Wellons
- Emacs Chat: Bozhidar Batsov
- Emacs Chat: Phil Hagelberg
- Emacs Chat: Xah Lee (ErgoEmacs)
- Emacs Chat: Jānis Mancēvičs
- Emacs Chat: Tom Marble
- Emacs Chat: Iannis Zannos – Emacs and SuperCollider
- Emacs Chat: Magnar Sveen (Emacs Rocks)
- Emacs Chat: Sacha Chua (with Bastien Guerry)
- Emacs Chat: Bastien Guerry
- Emacs Chat: Carsten Dominik
- Emacs chat: Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson
- Emacs Chat with Avdi Grimm (Org-mode, Ruby, etc.)
- Transcript: Emacs chat with John Wiegley
- Emacs: Chatting with John Wiegley about the cool things he does with Emacs
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