Thesis demonstration

Posted: - Modified: | geek, school

I’m not really sure where to begin demonstrating what I’ve been
working on. Unlike the other groups who are creating something new
and easy to explain, I’ve been spending the last few months exploring
a different way of life. My contribution to the computer science body
of knowledge isn’t some killer application or breakthrough theory, but
rather experiments, documentation and incremental improvements.

My project is about wearable computing. I aim to show that it can be
done inexpensively, using only off-the-shelf equipment and free
software. To that end, I have been gradually adapting Emacs to
wearable computing needs. Most of what I am demonstrating is not my
code, but the use of it is uncommon even in the Emacs and Emacspeak
communities, and so my contributions have mostly been in the form of
documentation and patches. I have also become the official maintainer
of planner.el, a text-based organizer for Emacs.

Since I’ve based my project off Emacspeak, a lot of things were
instantly accessible. For example, I can easily check the time and
date by pressing C-e t. Emacspeak also allows me to work with
practically all modules in Emacs. Because this foundation is already
quite good, I decided to focus on documenting its setup, demonstrating
its usability and writing or improving upon Emacs features.


I have been using this to organize my notes, although in class I tend
to turn off sound and use the keyboard in order to keep up with the
teacher. School notes are organized by day.

Other information

Ateneo library books

More work to be done

Beautiful documentation =)
get a serial to USB adapter so that I can use my phone again.
solve APM kernel problems
get wireless to work reliably, probably via cantenna

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