sacha/fix-tla-log {{04.04.21,EmacsHacks}} 11:17
| emacs(defun sacha/fix-tla-log () "Correct a wrong commit. Run this inside the arch subdirectory for the patch in your repository, not your project tree." ;; Copy the log file (let* ((directory (car (file-expand-wildcards "*.patches"))) modes (log-file (car (file-expand-wildcards (concat (file-name-as-directory directory) "new-files-archive/{arch}/*/*/*/*")))) (tar-file (car (file-expand-wildcards "*.tar.gz"))) log-md5 tar-md5) (when directory (if (file-newer-than-file-p "log" log-file) (progn (delete-file log-file) (copy-file "log" log-file)) (delete-file "log") (copy-file log-file "log")) ;; Recreate the tar.gz (delete-file tar-file) (call-process "tar" nil nil nil "zcvf" tar-file directory) ;; Calculate checksums (with-temp-buffer (call-process "md5sum" nil t nil "log" tar-file) (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "^\\([^ ]+\\)\\s-+log" nil t) (setq log-md5 (match-string 1)) (re-search-forward "^\\([^ ]+\\)" nil t) (setq tar-md5 (match-string 1))) (with-temp-buffer (setq modes (file-modes "checksum")) (insert-file-contents "checksum") (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "^Signature-for") (delete-region (point-min) (match-beginning 0)) (re-search-forward "^md5\\s-+log\\s-+\\([^ ]+\\)$") (replace-match log-md5 t t nil 1) (re-search-forward "^md5\\s-+.+?\\.tar\\.gz\\s-+\\([^ ]+\\)$") (replace-match tar-md5 t t nil 1) (when (re-search-forward "BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE" nil t) (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (point-max))) (let ((pgg-output-buffer (current-buffer))) (pgg-sign t)) (delete-file "checksum") ;; Sign the checksum (write-file "checksum") (set-file-modes "checksum" modes)))))
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