Geek-out weekend

| geek, japan

Had a fantastic weekend geeking out. Saturday’s TLUG technical
presentation introduced me to the joys of Squeak, and I stayed as late
as I could for the karaoke and stuff. Sunday was cold, dreary, and
rainy. This turned out to be a very good thing, although it was gloomy
in the beginning. Rain makes street performers scarce, so I decided to
skip Yoyogi. Thought about going to the Edo-Tokyo Museum, but couldn’t
get in touch with Sebastien (a museum buff who mentioned wanting to go
to the falconry exhibition). Decided to put that off instead. Got in
touch with Dave Brown who invited me up to Saitama for DDR. Aaron
Chmielowiec is a wizard at that thing. Asked him about Dance Maniax.
Apparently, there are no more Dance Maniax machines in normal arcades.

Had tons of fun practicing some songs with the two, as they’re both
better than I am. Browsed through Bic Camera afterwards. Lots of
amusing commentary. Had dinner at an izakaya. Learned so many things
about the Japan IT industry from the conversation. <laugh> Their
college stories were also hilarious. They had such characters in their
university! We talked about many other things, but I’m too sleepy to
record them.

Wonderful weekend. =D

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