Turning my mind to money

| business

“What? Sacha's going mercenary?”

No, I'm still very much into free software and I'm still definitely
not going for easy-money stuff like working in a call center. =)

However, I _have_ decided that it's silly for me to look down on
business. It's something to learn, and it's just as worthy as
technology is. I've been reading business books since childhood, and I
want to put those things into practice. I want to take risks and learn
from experience. I want to do this _now_, while making mistakes won't
mean starving. This gives me the freedom to take calculated risks and
the power to walk away from bad deals. I want to be able to hack this.

I want to meet other people who are brave enough to be creative,
people who aren't satisfied with the routine of being an employee and
consumer. When Marcelle told me about unexpectedly having to find
other ways to fund his MA Philosophy, I excitedly invited him over for
a brainstorming session. From a guy desperate for options, he became
someone with a long list of people he can get in touch with and things
he can try out. I think he'll do well!