Level up!

| cooking, cookordie

Adobo was _perfect._ Or at least it inspired enough confidence for me
to store two portions in the refrigerator and four in the freezer. I
marinated the chicken in a mix of soy sauce, vinegar, bay leaves and
pepper for two days, following a Filipino adobo recipe I found on the
Net. And it worked! It was wonderfully flavorful. The cost comes down
to roughly 75 cents per portion for the chicken, plus some more for
soy sauce and vinegar. I used far too much soy sauce and vinegar this
time, and I'll probably scale the recipe down a bit the next time I
prepare a grand marinade. (Maybe once a week or once every two weeks!
;) )

Rice worked out, too. I have four portions of rice (two in the ref,
two in the freezer) ready to be reheated whenever I want to eat adobo
or whatever else I want.

I would also like to happily announce that I have found out how to
make the lettuce I bought palatable. ;) I threw together a quick salad
earlier: iceberg lettuce, crabsticks, tomatoes and carrots. Not only
did the salad appeal to me visually, but it wasn't bad
gastronomically. I drizzled a quick vinaigrette (some vinegar, lots of
oil, salt, and pepper) using a sauce squeeze bottle I picked up for
CAD 0.29, and I had a very fun lunch. I _really_ liked the crabsticks.
Thanks for the tip, Clair!

To top it all off, I learned how to fold a fitted sheet so that it
stays nice and flat. =)

Level up!

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