Personal productivity reading list

| productivity

Dean Michael C. Berris commented on my blog:

Great online PIM links! I've fallen in love with Ta-da and backpackit! :D

There's plenty more where that came from. Let me tell you how I get my
productivity news so that you can catch the same wave.

– I learn about cool new sites through, a social bookmarking service.
Check out my inbox to see my
subscriptions. I don't visit all the new sites every day. I usually
page through a few screens, opening interesting or popular sites in
background tabs until I feel I've caught up well enough. I don't
worry about missing good stuff because I'll catch them when other
people bookmark the sites again.

– I read many productivity blogs in my feed aggregator. I like

Bloglines because it allows me to
categorize my subscriptions. I can read all the productivity-related
entries in one go. You can check out my subscriptions.

– I get comments on my blog. Thanks for all the tips!

If you're just starting out in personal productivity, particularly
geek productivity, here's what you should read:

– Danny O'Brien. One of the guys who started the whole thing. Check

out Cory Doctorow's notes on his talks about lifehacks. looked at alpha geek habits. . , a linkblog fueled by an active community. summarizes and links to good posts from many
blogs, but you might also want to add some blogs to your aggregator to
make them easier to visit. Here's what I'd recommend: – Merlin Mann's posts ripple through the productivity blogosphere – Clear writing – Longer, more reflective articles

Have fun, and happy lifehacking!

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