Argh, keycaps

Posted: - Modified: | laptop

A book fell off my shelf and knocked off the keycap for 4. It also
dislodged the keycap for T (Y under my Dvorak layout). This is going
to be a pain unless I can find the missing keycap and fix the one
that’s a little bit off…

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Benjamin Melançon


Woohoo, another Dvoraker! Where do we all come from?

How do Dvorak and Emacs work together? I'm not a power user of Emacs (nor even Vi) and was told that someone with Emacs shortcuts hardwired into their hands could never change...

Some people rewire their Emacs shortcuts. (You can do that.)

I don't bother. For some reason, I find it relatively easy to go between QWERTY and Dvorak layouts. It's all about muscle memory, I guess. I prefer to be on Dvorak, but I can use QWERTY keyboards without much drop in speed (although with a bit of a spike in annoyance because my hands then feel a little less balanced).

One time, I'd accidentally set one window to QWERTY and one window to Dvorak. (I was in Windows and I'd triggered the change-keyboard-layout shortcut without noticing.) I had to remember which layout was associated with which window, but after a few keystrokes, I was fine. =)

Don't worry about it. Some keyboard shortcuts will be less optimal, but I actually like using two hands to do C-x instead of trying to contort my left hand... =)