Refined list of get-togethers

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I will be home from Dec 19 to Jan 19. I don’t have much time. January
7 and 14 are the only Saturdays I can reasonably spare for large
non-barkada get-togethers. There are three things I really, really,
really want to brainstorm with a bunch of people who want to change
the world (or at least a small part of it).

– EDUCATION. Jan 7, afternoon. Who else is passionate about teaching

and education? What do we need? How can we make things better?
Audience: teachers and other people who have good ideas or can
volunteer to help. So far: Butch

– GEEKETTES SPEAK. Jan 7, evening. Let’s talk about what it’s like to

be female in technology and other fields. (And swap tips on what to
do with pesky people who hit on you! ;) ) We can also brainstorm
Charo’s summer camp. =) Audience: Women. Newbie women particularly
welcome—good opportunity to get to know other people and feel more
comfortable in PLUG, for example. It really helps. Guys will stay in
another area and play games or chat. (Should ask someone to bring
gaming console.)

– MAKING A DIFFERENCE. Jan 14. Help me figure out how I can make a

difference in the Philippines all the way from Canada. Tell me how
you want to make a difference in 2006. (Who knows? Maybe I can
help.) Audience: Anyone who wants to talk to me before I go off to
Canada. So far: Zak

I want to get together with other people who are passionate about
these topics. It’s not going to be a big party where you might get to
relax, eat food, and talk to three or four people, but rather
something where we’ll all tackle a problem and come up with ways we
can help solve it.


– OPEN SOURCE DEVELOPMENT. Jan 14, afternoon. Who’s working on what?

What do we need to do in order to get more people to contribute to
open source? How can people get started? What can we do to make open
source development more visible? Audience: Open source developers
and people who want to contribute to open source in 2006.