
| geek, toastmasters

Good to be back in Toastmasters. For the table topics game, I asked
people to tell me what they liked the most about Toronto. Everyone had
fun talking about Toronto, and I added a few new items to my list of
things to do or see while I'm here. It turned out that one of the
guests was also new to the city. Great timing!

I've volunteered to do my eighth speech next week. I'll be talking
about Secret Happiness. The eight speech project is about using visual
aids effectively, and I'm sure my wonderful socks will be an excellent
visual aid. ;) Secret Happiness!

We had an executive meeting, too. Must get the hang of organizing my
notes for the minutes. Will write up the minutes tomorrow and send it
to exec.

Oh! I did the secret geek handshake today. One of the guests mentioned
conferences – “cons”, in geek lingo. Gaming conferences, in
particular. First half of the geek handshake. I responded by telling
him that in terms of computer gaming, I'm weird – I'm into Nethack. If
you could've seen him just light up… Secret geek handshake indeed!