Cook Or Die spoof

| cookordie

From Calum, who doesn't see the point of all of my blogging about cooking:

March 3rd:

Today I made frosted flakes with milk, or “flacon du mais glacee au
lait”. Bought large 900g box at Price Chopper. N. sure if this will
last. Flakes were v. sweet because of frosting. Will have to try with
less milk next time.

March 4th:

Tried frosted flakes again, but this time, I added flakes to milk
instead of milk with flakes after researching this concept a little
more on the Internet.

This worked out very well. I will put up a flickr photostream on how
to pour the flakes into the milk.

Tags: soggy, cereal, linux, blogging

March 6th:

Had to skip breakfast today but I wrote a poem about frosted flakes:

Flakes of corn are sweet
A-drift they float in white ocean
Loss of taste in time

March 8th:

Oh! I have friends who also like frosted flakes! Props to
lulubear83, gigi7, cerealchik!

March 10th:

I have decided to experiment with fruit today. Bought carton of
strawberries from market (link to Google frappr of fruit stands in
downtown Toronto). Here is a mob-blog of my shopping trip:

E-Mail from Calum Tsang

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