Backlog – 2006.04.01: Breakfast: Bacon and eggs

| cooking, cookordie, friends

Steve deserved a break from all the hospital food, so I decided to
cook him breakfast. It always takes him a while to get up, so I walked
to Dominion and bought bacon and eggs. Trent let me into their suite
and showed me where to get all the things I needed. I discovered the
joys of having a proper crepe pan. =)

I fried bacon, prepared eggs, and toasted bread. Steve was touched
that I had prepared both sunny-side-up and scrambled eggs for him, and
kept praising my cooking. We had chai latte (well, just milk for me)
with Trent and Keri. Apparently, Trent's quite the chai latte master.

It was fun chatting with Trent and Keri as well, although some aspects
of that were just a little bit odd, like that singing in the shower
thing… <laugh> It was good having breakfast with friends,
though – it gave me something for which I should wake up early. Might
do it again sometime. Heck, might even do it tomorrow…

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