Backlog: Grilled again

| cooking, cookordie, friends

I was planning to meet Calum for dinner, but I figured it would be a
good day to try out the grill again, so I headed to the supermarket to
stock up on meat. I ran into James, Mike and Mike on my way out, so I
invited them to a barbecue at 7. I met Keynyn on the way back from the
supermarket, so I invited her too.

It turned out to be a terrific potluck. I prepared vegetable kebabs
and Caesar salad (store-bought dressing, but I made the bacon bits and
croutons myself!). Keynyn brought mashed potatoes and cookies. James
brought lots and lots of chicken legs. Mike and Calum helped with
cooking and washing up. (Don't worry, they'll host some other time…)

The chicken legs were slightly dodgy as parts weren't completely
cooked, so I think we'll do beef next time. At least, until we get the
hang of this. Note to self: figure out how to properly grill
vegetables so that they're nice and juicy. Also, buy a basting brush.
Hmm, next Wednesday or Thursday seems like a good time to have another
potluck party. (Psst! Kathy! I need tips!)

_And_ we even got to study afterwards! I much prefer studying with
other people around. Today proved an interesting point. I'm a fraud of
a computer person, really. I'm definitely not as geeky as Calum and
Mike are. I find myself less into writing code than I'm into
explaining things to other people, and sometimes I really do have to
explain things to either people, stuffed toys, or my blog in order to
get things straight in my head. Aiyah. How embarrassing.

(I say that now, sure, but when I'm in coding mode I can't pry my
fingers off the keyboard…)

Anyway, it was a very good day.

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