Oatmeal hacking

| cooking

One of the nice things about knowing geeks is that they often have another geek specialty. For example, Paul Lussier is a food geek, and this helpful tip will show you why:

Arrrrrrrrrg! Not quick-cooking! No, no, no. Get yourself some of
those steel-cut oats I recently mentioned in another post and do this:

  • Boil some water just before you go to bed1.
  • Place 1 cup of steel-cut oats in a pot
  • Place 4 cups of boiling water in the same pot
  • Place lid on said pot
  • Goto sleep (make sure you've turned *OFF* the stove!)

When you wake up in the morning, scoop yourself a bowl full of oatmeal
and add about a half cup of water. Place it in the microwave on high
for about 2 minutes. Add brown sugar or maple syrup, raisins, bananas,
or whatever, and either milk or light cream to taste, mix it all up
and enjoy. A healthy, delicious, very filling breakfast in under 5
minutes :)

Not a burned-pancakes post goes by without great suggestions from him.
=) He's awesome. He said:

I can't contribute too much by way of code to many projects, but if I
can keep my elisp inspiration well fed, I figure that's not a bad
contribution ;)


E-Mail from Paul Lussier

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