Life on the A-list

| blogging

Somewhere along the way, I managed to end up as the hottest blogger
within IBM, with over a thousand hits. I usually hover around third or
fourth on the list of the daily top blogs. This is the first time I've
ended up first, and that by a margin of around three hundred hits.

Some people at IBM have been gently teasing me about my A-list status.
Stephen's one to talk: his blog post is currently the most-commented
entry. Pranam made sure I blogged about his cool visualization and
joked about how that resulted in such a jump in his hits. Mark isn't
quite sure if my being a top blogger internally is a good thing or a
bad thing, considering how little I've written for research. (Meep.)

I procrastinate by learning and writing. Now if only we could figure
out how to translate that into research or business… ;)

Life on the A-list is cool, though. Because I read pretty much
everything on the internal blogosphere anyway, I like being able to
highlight cool entries and encourage people to leave comments. I
wanted to help IBMers discover related blogs, so I added an ultracool
Flash tag discovery thingy from another IBMer who actually spent some
time fixing a few problems that came up when I tried it on my blog.
And of course I love getting to meet people through my blog and
getting feedback on my thoughts…

When I post about social computing on my internal blog, though, I'm
basically preaching to the choir. No, not even that. I end up
preaching to other evangelists. ;) I need to figure out how to extend
beyond that. I owe my sponsors tangible results. That might be a good
place to start.

What can I do to give back to IBM and do some research? Must think…

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