Looking for GNOME geekettes!

| geek

Chris Ball wrote:

If you might have any contacts to help get the word out about a project
we've just launched over at GNOME — we're going to sponsor three female
students to hack on GNOME for two months.

Lots more details at:

It'd be awesome if you could pass this on to anyone who might be
interested — we have a really tight deadline, with only 2.5 weeks
before student submissions are due, but I know we can make this
work as long as we spread the info far and wide enough. :-)
Do you know of anyone at IBM who does women-in-IT work and might
be willing to help publicise this?

Thanks for reading! I'd be very interested to hear any comments or
advice you might have.

Pass the call on, geekettes, and join if you're interested!

E-Mail from Chris Ball