What's your story?
| storyThanks to Gabriel Mansour, I was part of a fun podcast with Joey de Villa (Accordion Guy, Tucows). Joey and I chatted about the Philippines, tech, moving to a new country, Emacs (“For those of you listeners who haven't heard of Emacs, it's a text editor—” “It's a way of life!”), and other things. =) That was fun, particularly with Joey's totally cool audio setup complete with nifty microphones and a sound mixer.
It inspires me to do my own podcast, particularly as I'm interested in
storytelling. I want to hear people's stories. Here's what I'm
thinking of: three minutes to tell a story that illustrates something
fundamental about you. Maybe it's about your purpose in life. Maybe
it's about what you want to do. Maybe it's about one of your core
values. What's your story?
What do I need in order to make this happen?
In terms of tools: I have a digital voice recorder that I just need to
remember to keep well-stocked with charged AAA batteries. That can
take care of real-life conversations for now, which is good because I
can attach bios and pictures.
I'd like to be able to interview people over the Net and over phone,
too. I should figure out how to record Skype conversations in order to
take advantage of free US/Canada long distance (to phone) and free
PC-to-PC calls. If I can't get that to work, I can use Gizmo or
something like that instead, I guess. More of a hassle, though. As for
phone… I don't know, maybe I'll get some kind of gadget later on.
In terms of stories: I need to start off with an introductory podcast,
then I need to line people up for it. Maybe I can set once every two
weeks as a nice goal? Podcasts don't have to be totally regular
(that's what RSS is for!), but it might help. If I like the pace of
two weeks, I might even be able to step it up to once a week.
I want to hear your story. Interested in being part of something like this?