| democampDamian Conway is t3h c00l, _totally._ What an awesome speaker!
I was going to videoblog showing my latest hacked T-shirt (FITC2006:
Technology and Design Festival, turned into a beaded halter/tube top
with a bolero-style thing), but I seem to have left my camera at No
Regrets. Oops. Well. Hope the restaurant lives up to its name! =)
I didn't leave my Moleskine notebook (whew!), which would've been far
worse considering all the fun conversations. Here's a brief list:
- Floyd of InfoQ, faceted search and browsing
- Cameron, technology design, NY
- Joey, Wendy
- Paul Baranowski: encouraging independent media in developing democracies. He wrote that tagline in my notebook himself! Way cool. Always good to meet people who can express their purpose.
- Ian Irving, false positives. Err, not much detail otherwise. I don't read
his blog yet, so that introduction didn't leave me with much to go
on, and I saw someone I wanted to talk to. - Chris, intentional programming.
- Olivier Yip Tong, Toastmasters: must tell about Toast I.T.
- Michael Bodalski, Toastmasters: must tell about Toast I.T., also GTD inboxy things
- Lionel Fogler, knowledge management (remember sewer technician story)
- Quinn, data
- Brent Ashley, Emacs
- Malgosia Green, totally funky pair of glasses
- and other conversations not written down for some reason or another
Did totally smalltime Emacs demo, too. =) Should do a proper Demo soon.
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