Did my dishes, went to the circus festival
| lifeKathy would've loved the Toronto International Circus Festival. =D
Poisters, diabolists, jugglers, unicyclists, etc. Cool stuff!
Also, I managed to get all of my dishes done in record time. The usual
order – glassware, cutlery, saucers + bowls + plates – works perfectly
with a double sink and would probably have worked even better with the
triple sink like the one in Linux Caffe. =) Kudos to my mom for
teaching me how to wash dishes effectively. We had this entire
assembly line thing going with my sisters and me: prerinse, soap,
rinse. Prerinsing with a dishcloth totally works because then soaping
is ridiculously easy. Also, Corelle dishes dry practically
interesting. It is t3h c00l.
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