A year in review: Emacs
| emacsOver the last five months, I've added all sorts of code to my Emacs to
make it a contact relationship management system that fills the
salespeople I know with envy. =)
- 2006.07.20#1: Emacs BBDB magic: Greeting people with nicknames
- 2006.07.24#1: Emacs: Automating the insertion of text
- 2006.08.10#3: Sharing the link love
- 2006.08.30#3: My Big Brother Database and social networking sites
- 2006.09.01#2: Emacs: Keep track of messages sent
- 2006.09.01#3: More Emacs coolness: List of contacts
- 2006.09.01#4: More Emacs fun: Composing mail to everyone with notes
- 2006.09.02#1: More Emacs goodness: Refresh your memory when you e-mail using notes from BBDB
- 2006.09.15#2: Emacs: Changing the font size on the fly
- 2006.09.15#3: Emacs clinic at the Linux Caffe
- 2006.09.28#2: Emacs + LinkedIn: Another totally idiosyncratic bit of code
- 2006.09.28#3: Emacs: Show only people whom I haven't pinged since…
- 2006.09.28#4: Emacs: BBDB rapid serial visualization
- 2006.09.28#5: Emacs: Animation in presentations
- 2006.09.29#2: Emacs BBDB: Filtering tags with the power of lambda expressions
- 2006.09.29#8: Emacs BBDB: Prioritize exact matches
- 2006.10.02#10: Crazy idea for Emacs: Random Emacs taglines
- 2006.10.02#11: Crazy Emacs: Personalized signatures with random taglines
- 2006.10.04#1: Developing a better sense of time
- 2006.10.04#2: Emacs Gnus hack: Prioritize based on the number of recipients
- 2006.10.11#4: Emacs: Hideshow
- 2006.10.12#3: Emacs: Quick way to collect references
- 2006.10.12#4: Emacs and a British voice
- 2006.10.23#1: Excited about my DemoCamp presentation!
- 2006.10.27#4: Keeping track of the age of messages
- 2006.11.02#2: Contact report
- 2006.12.12#2: Personal contact relationship management
Random Emacs symbol: browse-url-firefox-arguments – Variable: *A list of strings to pass to Firefox as arguments.
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