At the Hong Kong International Airport

| travel

I’m at the HKIA. I’ve snagged a sleep pillow from one of the airport
shops. I couldn’t find a buckwheat lavender-scented sleeping pillow,
but I guess that was pushing my luck. ;) I ended up choosing between a
Samsonite dual-cushion pillow and a standard-looking Korjo one. The
Korjo pillow won because I had *just* enough Hong Kong dollars to buy
it and I didn’t feel like converting money. This should make the
return trip easier.

So, what’s the plan?

I’m not going to get really good sleep. So much for my pimples. I’ve
broken out into pimples because I’ve been drinking too little water
over the past few days, but I plan to schedule an appointment with the
dermatologist as soon as I can. I tend to break out badly during
periods of high stress, low water, and little sleep… which is just
about every long trip! Ah well. =)

There are a few movies I wouldn’t mind catching. Marcelle will be
happy to know that The Prestige is available, and I’m definitely going
to catch that. I need to plan so that I don’t have jetlag, though, as
I have quite a full weekend ahead.

I’m going to land in Toronto at 8:50 PM, so I should be awake for
maybe 12 hours during the flight. So four hours of sleep at the
beginning, maybe a little more because of all the interruptions, and
then I’ll spend the rest of the time watching movies and writing.
And drinking plenty of water and walking around, too.

Ah, timezones…

Random Emacs symbol: gnus-article-strip-all-blank-lines – Command: Strip all blank lines.

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