Smile before you punch

| health

(Catching up on a lot of unblogged events! =) )

Last Friday, I attended another session of krav maga, the Israeli
self-defense martial art.

I have had _far_ too little practice throwing punches. I had to keep
getting reminded to keep my thumb tucked in and my first two knuckles
forward. The fighting stance was also difficult

I have the habit of biting my lip when I’m concentrating, which is not
good in a fight. How can I avoid biting my lip? The easiest way, I’ve
found, is to smile. Evilly.

I have a growing collection of bruises, too. Good thing I’m starting
this in winter, when everyone’s covering up in long sweaters as well.

So if I smile before I hit someone, you know why.

I’m thinking of getting into it. The class is a great aerobic workout,
and someday I’m going to figure out how to do a full pushup instead of
the half-pushups I’ve been doing. I don’t feel dreadfully out of
shape, just a little bit so, and I’m sure that’ll improve over the
next month.

How am I going to make the time for this, considering my schedule?
<laugh> It’s a good investment of time: exercise gives me more
time and strength to deal with other things. Mens sana in corpore
sano, too.

Budget? It’s $100 per month, which I should actually still be able to
squeeze into my budget if I take it from other things. I was thinking
of taking a month to figure out my post-apartment budget, but momentum
is important when it comes to physical exercise and other things that
I’d like to make into habits.

I can do a lot of other things for exercise, but this one seems to fit
the best. The instructor is good, too. I enjoy observing the way he
teaches with encouragement. The class is small but friendly. The
lessons are practical. And yeah, I want self-defense training and
aerobic exercise more than I want tango…

I’ll need to practice a lot in order to make things more instinctive,
and I’ve got such a long way to go in order to catch up. I’ll figure
out how to get there by TTC and I’ll give it a month or two to see if
I can make it part of my schedule and what effect it has on everything
else. =)

But it’s so much fun… <laugh>

Random Emacs symbol: clear-abbrev-table – Function: Undefine all abbrevs in abbrev table TABLE, leaving it empty.

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