Week past, week next

| weekly

Last week was a week of thresholds. I’ve started doing my usability
tests, and I’m not going to stop until I finish them. Then I’m going
to write them up into my thesis, and then I’ll be done.


Last week, I went through my first ever behavioral interview. An IBM
HR person asked me those job-interview-type questions that start with
“Tell me a story about a time you…”.

Last week, I scheduled my first job interview.

Things are moving faster and faster. I’m walking through so many doors.

Goals for this week:

  • Revise my paper according to Mark Chignell’s comments.
  • Finish all my usability tests.
  • Write that Emacs mail productivity article.
  • Attend and learn from a few seminars offered by the University of Toronto.

I also *really* need to explore my goals this week, because my job
interview is coming up and I had better have a good idea of what I’m
getting myself into. Can I stand a job with high travel and lots of
stress if it means learning a lot?

Decisions, decisions…

Random Emacs symbol: browse-url-mozilla-arguments – Variable: *A list of strings to pass to Mozilla as arguments.

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