I used to write weekly reviews. Nudged by Doing
weeknotes, I want to get back to doing them. I'm
still figuring out how I'd like to put these notes
together as part of a weekly review process
picking up some stuff from my blog posts, toots,
Org inbox, and journal entries. That way, I can
revisit fleeting notes and flesh them out a little
more, notice and celebrate progress, and radiate
Do I want to leave it on Wednesdays (chosen for
its alliteration with weblog, with no particular
deep thought about it) or go back to Fridays like
before? Wednesdays might be a good idea, actually,
since I might still be able to schedule some tasks
for Thursday and Friday.
Anyway, over the last seven days:
- EmacsConf:
- Improved the Makefile we use in EmacsConf so
that it detects the prefixes from the original
files in the directory and builds various
intermediate files (reencoded.webm, opus, vtt,
normalized opus, main.webm).
- While the kiddo was at an extracurricular
activity, I listened to talks for the upcoming
EmacsConf and annotated transcript PDFs so that
I can edit the captions later. It was very
enjoyable and something I could do with gloves
on, which was great because the weather's
getting pretty cool. I'm looking forward to
using pdf view to flip through the exported
annotations in Emacs. Yay! (toot)
- Processed lots of talks and captions.
- Wrote some code to skim the starts of
subtitles to check the timing.
- Got Icecast, OBS, and Emacs set up for the
upcoming conference, and I disabled screenlock
in our i3 config.
- Still haven't been able to fix
bbb.emacsverse.org. I've asked Corwin to look
into Galene. I think meet.jit.si might not be
solid enough for us (potentially throttling
issues like several years ago).
- Other Emacs stuff:
- Wrote a function for storing a link to a
blog post from the Org subtree for it.
(my-org-store-blog-post-link in Linking to
blog posts).
- Experimented with moving lines around for
fixing the text conversion of sketches, but I
think it feels like more work than just
- Figured out that I needed to set
:comments no
on the Org source block that had ;; lexical-binding: t
on it. (toot)
- Used
to export CSS from Modus Vivendi to use as my dark-mode colours
- Other tech:
- Life:
- Read Tiny Habits and made sketchnotes. I also
listened to a podcast on The Feel-Good Method of
Productivity, which touched on some of the same
points about joy and celebration. (toot)
- A thought as things become more tangled: Here
are some of the things I am working on learning
as I grow up: how to navigate uncertainty with
curiosity, how to use conflicts to figure out
priorities, how to face regrets with acceptance,
and how to transform grief into an even fiercer
- Parent-teacher interview and progress report:
A+ is doing well. No exemption from
synchronous learning this year. Oh well. We'll
just have to figure out how to work with the
system for now, or decide when it's not
working well enough for A+.
- Design:
- Thinking about sketchnote colour schemes:
- Sketchplanations: uses Javascript to generate SVGs for slightly-randomly-drawn underlines on headings, adding to the handwritten feel
- Jim Nielsen’s Notes: sticky menu, can select a site theme; 724 notes on one page, has a shuffle icon to jump to a random one
- Metallic brushes for Krita (HN)
- Working on multiple threads:
- Writing and reading:
- Text to diagrams:
- Life:
- Binary vector embeddings are so cool: oooh, can I use this to improve performance for CPU-only approximate search?
- PDF annotations - maybe I can identify PDF annotations so I can jump to the next annotation from pdf-viewer?