Week in review
Posted: - Modified: | weekly- Back in Canada to work on my thesis.
- Outlined my thesis and started panicking about timing of work. Have
decided to adjust my expected finish date in order to preserve sanity. - Finished notes from screen captures.
- Found my keys, yay!
- Got a new SIM and a new charger. My phone’s okay now.
- Finally unpacked and settled in.
- Found a little time to breathe. Wrote my family a long message. Replied to my sister, too.
- Still sorting out my schedule for the next few weeks. Will squeeze speaking engagements into weekends.
Next week:
- Write results section of thesis.
- Get the paperwork started for extension of study permit.
- Ping people in job search process once I get a more reasonable estimate of finishing time.
Random Emacs symbol: pgg-display-error-buffer – Function: Pop up an
error buffer indicating the reason for an en/decryption failure.
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