Thinking about September

| life

If everything goes as planned, then I’ll have a whole month of slack
this September. I’ll be waiting for the papers for my work permit, so
I can’t actually work for any Canadian companies during that time. I
have several options, including:

  • Volunteer at a non-profit
  • Pick an open source project and immerse myself in it
  • Work for a non-Canadian company (would this be allowed, or does my visa prohibit me from any work-related activities in Canada?)
  • Pick up all sorts of useful skills
  • Make my Emacs configuration horrendously baroque
  • Go mad, which I will if I don’t do anything or help anyone or learn anything…

I’m leaning towards things that will get me out and about and with
interacting with people. Hmmm… Got any ideas?

Random Emacs symbol: c-clear-char-property-fun – Function: (alias for undefined function)

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