
| life

I enjoyed this year’s Halloween more than the first two I’d spent in
Canada. I had spent both previous Halloweens in Graduate House, and
while graduate students can be quite creative in their costumes and
adept in their impersonations, it doesn’t quite have the same feel as
handing lollipops and chocolate bars to kids. (Even the teenagers who
really should just buy their own candy! ;) )

And what a perfect evening, too. Just the right temperature, even for
me. (Granted, I had a shawl.) Everyone was chatting. Halloween’s a
surprisingly good time to practice talking to other people. I managed
to say “Happy Halloween” with warmth dozens of times in a row!
(Although I get the feeling it’s not really a happy-greeting kind of
holiday… bah, who cares!)

Dressing up was fun, too. W- helped J- make a halo, wings, and robe
for her angel costume. J- sewed the robe herself, though! =)
Industrious girl. As for me, I felt like Reyna Elena, resplendent in
my white terno with a flowing skirt and petticoat. J- lent me a tiara,
and W- draped a (color-coordinated) throw around my shoulders to keep
me warm.

Our outfits drew plenty of comments, and the Tux penguin pumpkin I
made also got a few knowing smiles and short conversations from
passers-by. =) Little unique touches… <grin>

Next year, we’re going to make it even more wonderful. We might make a
charred skeleton, following instructions on the Net. I’ll probably
pick up doggie treats, too. A number of people were walking their
dogs. One had a particularly cute pug with a spider costume. That one
definitely deserved a treat! I’m also looking forward to getting to
know more of the neighbors. That felt nice. =)

Happy Halloween. Kids think of it as Free Candy Day, and I think of
it as Free Chatting day. =) Hope your Halloween was fun, too!

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