Gnus multi-pane tricks, or I heart Planet Emacsen

| emacs

The tips Joseph Miklojcik shared for reading e-mail in Gnus included this _really_ nifty thing that I hadn’t come across when I set up my Gnus before: multi-pane reading.

You know how modern news readers have a folder pane, a summary pane
and a preview pane?

Well, you can have that too.

   (horizontal 1.0
        (vertical 60 (group 1.0))
        (vertical 1.0
    (summary 0.20 point)
    (article 1.0)))))

   (horizontal 1.0
        (vertical 60 (group 1.0))
        (vertical 1.0 (summary 1.0 point)))))

This is good stuff. =)

Random Emacs symbol: sacha/gnus-add-subject-to-bbdb-record – Function: Add datestamped subject note for each person this message has been sent to.

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