Gnus multi-pane tricks, or I heart Planet Emacsen
| emacsThe tips Joseph Miklojcik shared for reading e-mail in Gnus included this _really_ nifty thing that I hadn’t come across when I set up my Gnus before: multi-pane reading.
You know how modern news readers have a folder pane, a summary pane
and a preview pane?
Well, you can have that too.
(gnus-add-configuration '(article (horizontal 1.0 (vertical 60 (group 1.0)) (vertical 1.0 (summary 0.20 point) (article 1.0))))) (gnus-add-configuration '(summary (horizontal 1.0 (vertical 60 (group 1.0)) (vertical 1.0 (summary 1.0 point)))))
This is good stuff. =)
Random Emacs symbol: sacha/gnus-add-subject-to-bbdb-record – Function: Add datestamped subject note for each person this message has been sent to.
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