Quick update: purse found

Posted: - Modified: | life

Add this as yet another story about Filipinos doing good. =)

A customer brought my lost purse to Josie, the owner of Subs Plus in
the food court under the Bay building at Yonge and Bloor. Josie tried
every way to get in touch with me, even calling the Philippines long
distance. (Must’ve tried calling my mom and gotten a busy signal.)

She eventually got in touch with Michael McGuffin, who was still part
of my speed dial list despite having moved to Montreal. (Hey, in an
emergency… =) ) She left a message, which Michael e-mailed me, but I
was already in bed at that time.

I finally got to connect with her today. And yes, she’s from the
Philippines – Baguio, to be precise. When I learned that she was also
from home, I burst into a flood of even more profuse thanks.

I’m looking forward to getting to know her. =) And giving her some
thank-you gifts in addition to a small cash reward… Happy happy!

If you’re ever in Toronto, please drop by and tell her, “Thank you for
being awesome!”

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