Wicked Cool Emacs: get in on the action!

| emacs, wickedcoolemacs, writing

Ever since I started on this “Wicked Cool Emacs” project with No Starch Press, I’ve run into all sorts of amazing geeks who have been working on something similar. For example, Ted Roden‘s further along in writing the book than I am. It would be a shame to waste that effort. <laugh>

I would love to work on this book with other people. I think that it would become an even better book than I could write by myself, just as Emacs is better because all these people have worked on it. Besides, I’d love an opportunity to widen my Emacs network!

So here’s the outline I planned:

Preface 15 pages
A Day in the Life 30 pages
Customizing Emacs 20 pages
Working with Files 80 pages
Working with Code 40 pages
Browsing the Web 15 pages
Reading Mail with Gnus 30 pages
Being Big Brother 30 pages
Taking Notes 35 pages
Managing Tasks 35 pages
Managing Your Schedule 20 pages – DRAFTED AND SENT, YAY!
Other weird stuff ?

I’d be totally happy to co-author this book with someone else who can commit time over the next year to help me do it. Take a look at the first chapter I’ve written: Organizing your schedule (OpenOffice.org document). I know you can do better than that. =) Let’s find out how wonderful we can make this book.

If you’re seriously interested in coauthoring this, get in touch with me and we’ll talk to the folks over at NSP.

Random Emacs symbol: message-insert-disposition-notification-to – Command: Request a disposition notification (return receipt) to this message.

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